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Info sur Charlie Huston auteur américain

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Serial killer : Hannibal Lecter

Age: 57
Inscrit le: 02 Avr 2007
Messages: 3669
Localisation: restons pragmatique

Le Serment des Limbes

MessagePosté le: Jeu Avr 12, 2007 8:15 am    Sujet du message: Info sur Charlie Huston auteur américain Répondre en citant

parfois, je m'egare sur les sites us, et je decouvre des auteurs pas encore traduits.
comme le suscité charlie huston qui fait dans le hardboiled, les rewies et synospis me mettent l'eau à la bouche.
je l'ai donc contacté par mail, et voilà que l'année prochaine ces livres seront enfin traduits en france
voili voilou

son site
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Michael Myers

Age: 49
Inscrit le: 10 Avr 2004
Messages: 8987
Localisation: Paris

Le Vol des Cigognes

MessagePosté le: Sam Avr 14, 2007 11:40 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Moi, je connais Charlie Huston via son taff sur un comic book américain, Moon Knight :

Frédéric Fontès, News & Chroniques sur et C'est Culturellement Dingue sur TikTok
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Age: 65
Inscrit le: 09 Avr 2007
Messages: 27
Localisation: Liège, Belgique

Le Serment des Limbes

MessagePosté le: Dim Avr 15, 2007 10:53 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Quelle couv', donne envie de le lire.
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Serial killer : Hannibal Lecter

Age: 57
Inscrit le: 02 Avr 2007
Messages: 3669
Localisation: restons pragmatique

Le Serment des Limbes

MessagePosté le: Dim Avr 15, 2007 3:10 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

2008 pour une traduction francaise de ces polars
A+ les ouces je suis en vacs pour 15 jours
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Michael Myers

Age: 49
Inscrit le: 10 Avr 2004
Messages: 8987
Localisation: Paris

Le Vol des Cigognes

MessagePosté le: Dim Avr 15, 2007 4:17 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Frédéric a écrit:

Allez faire un tour sur son site officiel
Charlie Huston est chargé du relaunch du Moon Knight pour Marvel. Mais avant toute chose, c'est un romancier. Malheureusement, je n'ai pas trouvé de livre qui a été traduit en français.

From Publishers Weekly
More than fulfilling the promise of Huston's 2004 debut, Caught Stealing, this remarkably assured hard-boiled caper has rapid-fire pacing, dead-on dialogue and a beleaguered protagonist who just can't get a break. Former minor league baseball player Hank Thompson barely escaped with his life at the end of Caught, making off with $4 million of the Russian mafia's money. Several years later, he's running a breakfast place in the Yucatan, down the shore from his secluded hut. When a Russian bounty hunter shows up asking questions, Hank Fed-Exes his bankroll to a friend in Las Vegas and sneaks north across the border. When not trying to kill him, two surf bum criminals convince him they're allies; as the book reaches its climax, Hank finds himself dodging a memorable cast of lowlifes, would-be mobsters and scammers. Huston takes care with Hank, making him funny and sympathetic (even as he reminds us that he has killed six people in New York), and giving even cardboard situations and slight exchanges charge. (One of the surfers on a pair of boots: "Kind of metallish for my taste, but fuck it, we're incognito, right?") This second installment of a planned trilogy will leave readers anxious for more.

From Publishers Weekly
There's no end to Hank Thompson's troubles. Once a star high school baseball player, he's now reduced to tending bar at a neighborhood dive on Manhattan's Lower East Side. During his long life-skid, Thompson has picked up a drinking problem, a pair of bad feet, lots of debt and little ambition. But for Thompson, hero of Huston's dark, hard-driving debut, the worst is still ahead. It begins when Thompson agrees to cat-sit for his neighbor, a dubious character named Russ. Within a few days, Thompson is ambushed by a pair of Russian thugs who beat him so badly he has to have a kidney removed. While he's recovering, he discovers a key tucked under the liner of the cat's carry box. This turns out to be a crucial bit of information, as he realizes when the Russians return, led this time by a dirty police detective, and demand to know what Russ left with Thompson besides his cat. When they're spooked by a fire alarm, Thompson escapes long enough to get his hands on the stash everyone's after: $4.5 million in cash. But of course, his troubles aren't over. Bodies pile up at a dizzying rate but the mayhem is riveting, despite a few credibility gaps. Huston shows a masterful command of first-person narration, deftly chronicling Thompson's gradual slide from victim to avenger ("I'm tellin' you, Hank, watchin' you, it's like watchin' a egg get all hard-boiled. No shit"). The story moves with the speed of the best chase novels, and Thompson possesses a self-deprecating spirit that will keep readers rooting for him even as he edges closer to the point of no return.

From Publishers Weekly
Starred Review. After two hard-boiled hits, Caught Stealing and Six Bad Things, Huston does an irresistible and fiendishly original take on the vampire myth. Manhattan is teeming with the undead, the island divided into often-warring vampire clans such as the Society, the Hood and the Enclave. The most powerful is the Coalition, whose goal is to protect its members from public scrutiny and persecution. Rogue PI Joe Pitt (aka Simon), who like all vampires is infected with a virus that requires him to drink blood regularly, is hired by Marilee Horde, a prominent New York socialite, to locate her runaway teenage daughter, Amanda, who may be slumming with homeless goth kids in the East Village. Meanwhile, a "carrier" is on the loose, infecting its victims with a bacterium that turns them into brain-eating zombies. The Coalition wants Pitt to find and destroy the carrier, since the carnage the zombies are causing brings unwanted attention to the undead community. Huston has fun playing with the conventions of the genre, creating his own hip update that will appeal to fans of Quentin Tarantino and Buffy the Vampire Slayer alike.

From Publishers Weekly
Huston doesn't let his battered, tormented protagonist rest for one moment in the exciting final volume of his trilogy featuring Henry "Hank" Thompson, now an unwilling hit man for David Dolokhov, the Russian mobster whose $4 million he stole (and lost) in 2005's Six Bad Things. With a botched plastic surgery job that's left him disfigured and in chronic pain, Hank is only able to deal with his nightmares about the people he's killed with handfuls of prescription painkillers. He's on the verge of slipping under when Dolokhov assigns him to protect Miguel Arenas, a rising young baseball star and gambling addict who also owes the Russian a big chunk of change. Hank is forced to confront his own past as a former minor league player as his bodyguard gig takes him to New York, where his misadventures began. While the book drags a bit in the middle, the pace picks up toward the end as Hank finds himself once again doing what he does best, running for his life.

Disponible en décembre 2006

J'avais posté ça en août 2006 sur, je suis content de savoir que l'on va pouvoir découvrir l'auteur en france !!!
Frédéric Fontès, News & Chroniques sur et C'est Culturellement Dingue sur TikTok
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Serial killer : Hannibal Lecter

Age: 57
Inscrit le: 02 Avr 2007
Messages: 3669
Localisation: restons pragmatique

Le Serment des Limbes

MessagePosté le: Mer Avr 25, 2007 7:37 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

on croise les doigts Very Happy
mais 2008 il m'a dit Cool
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Serial Killer : Patrick Bateman

Age: 49
Inscrit le: 08 Avr 2006
Messages: 521

MessagePosté le: Mer Avr 25, 2007 7:22 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

ca va etre chez quel editeur Holden???
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Serial killer : Hannibal Lecter

Age: 57
Inscrit le: 02 Avr 2007
Messages: 3669
Localisation: restons pragmatique

Le Serment des Limbes

MessagePosté le: Jeu Avr 26, 2007 8:08 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

c'est là le hic
à mon deuxieme mail, in ne m' a pas repondu
payot ou galliamard j'espere ? Surprised
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Serial killer : Hannibal Lecter

Age: 48
Inscrit le: 18 Avr 2007
Messages: 11757
Localisation: Rhône-Alpes

Le Serment des Limbes

MessagePosté le: Dim Fév 03, 2008 3:48 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Et voilà, Charlie Huston, cet auteur apparemment complètement barré, va être enfin publié pour la 1ère fois en France puisque les Editions du Seuil publieront:

sous le titre Trop de mains dans le sac. Parution le 27 Mars.
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Serial killer : Hannibal Lecter

Age: 57
Inscrit le: 02 Avr 2007
Messages: 3669
Localisation: restons pragmatique

Le Serment des Limbes

MessagePosté le: Lun Fév 04, 2008 1:41 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

trop de la balle
lisez ce vous voulez . . .
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Serial killer : Hannibal Lecter

Age: 48
Inscrit le: 18 Avr 2007
Messages: 11757
Localisation: Rhône-Alpes

Le Serment des Limbes

MessagePosté le: Ven Mar 28, 2008 9:39 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Voilà, la 1ère traduction française de Charlie Huston est enfin parue en librairie :
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Serial killer : Hannibal Lecter

Age: 48
Inscrit le: 18 Avr 2007
Messages: 11757
Localisation: Rhône-Alpes

Le Serment des Limbes

MessagePosté le: Dim Oct 19, 2008 9:24 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Après l' excellent et décapant TROP DE MAINS DANS LE SAC, le second roman de Charlie Huston traduit en français sortira courant 2009 (vraisemblablement début d' année) au Seuil sous le titre de MORT, DEJA!.
Ce sera la traduction de :

Fredo a écrit:
Frédéric a écrit:

From Publishers Weekly
Starred Review. After two hard-boiled hits, Caught Stealing and Six Bad Things, Huston does an irresistible and fiendishly original take on the vampire myth. Manhattan is teeming with the undead, the island divided into often-warring vampire clans such as the Society, the Hood and the Enclave. The most powerful is the Coalition, whose goal is to protect its members from public scrutiny and persecution. Rogue PI Joe Pitt (aka Simon), who like all vampires is infected with a virus that requires him to drink blood regularly, is hired by Marilee Horde, a prominent New York socialite, to locate her runaway teenage daughter, Amanda, who may be slumming with homeless goth kids in the East Village. Meanwhile, a "carrier" is on the loose, infecting its victims with a bacterium that turns them into brain-eating zombies. The Coalition wants Pitt to find and destroy the carrier, since the carnage the zombies are causing brings unwanted attention to the undead community. Huston has fun playing with the conventions of the genre, creating his own hip update that will appeal to fans of Quentin Tarantino and Buffy the Vampire Slayer alike.

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Serial killer : Hannibal Lecter

Age: 48
Inscrit le: 18 Avr 2007
Messages: 11757
Localisation: Rhône-Alpes

Le Serment des Limbes

MessagePosté le: Dim Nov 09, 2008 5:02 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

norbert a écrit:
Après l' excellent et décapant TROP DE MAINS DANS LE SAC, le second roman de Charlie Huston traduit en français sortira courant 2009 (vraisemblablement début d' année) au Seuil sous le titre de MORT, DEJA!.
Ce sera la traduction de :

Fredo a écrit:
Frédéric a écrit:

From Publishers Weekly
Starred Review. After two hard-boiled hits, Caught Stealing and Six Bad Things, Huston does an irresistible and fiendishly original take on the vampire myth. Manhattan is teeming with the undead, the island divided into often-warring vampire clans such as the Society, the Hood and the Enclave. The most powerful is the Coalition, whose goal is to protect its members from public scrutiny and persecution. Rogue PI Joe Pitt (aka Simon), who like all vampires is infected with a virus that requires him to drink blood regularly, is hired by Marilee Horde, a prominent New York socialite, to locate her runaway teenage daughter, Amanda, who may be slumming with homeless goth kids in the East Village. Meanwhile, a "carrier" is on the loose, infecting its victims with a bacterium that turns them into brain-eating zombies. The Coalition wants Pitt to find and destroy the carrier, since the carnage the zombies are causing brings unwanted attention to the undead community. Huston has fun playing with the conventions of the genre, creating his own hip update that will appeal to fans of Quentin Tarantino and Buffy the Vampire Slayer alike.

D' après le site de Amazon, le titre de l' adaptation française ne sera pas Mort déjà mais Le Vampire de New York, à paraître le 15 février 2009!
Je vais me ruer dessus!
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El Marco
Charlie "Bird" Parker (modo)

Age: 45
Inscrit le: 30 Avr 2004
Messages: 11666
Localisation: Alpes-Maritimes

Les Rivières Pourpres

MessagePosté le: Dim Déc 07, 2008 6:31 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Dernière édition par El Marco le Ven Fév 06, 2009 6:18 pm; édité 1 fois
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